If you've been struggling to find a professional near you specializing in torticollis- this course was made for you!
Let's get things straight today!
What you'll get:
- Detailed understanding of torticollis from Baby Begin founder, Jennifer Barnard, Occupational Therapist.
- Easy to follow video demonstrations of stretches, activities, and exercises to do with your baby
- Answers to our most commonly asked questions
- A new found confidence in working with your baby
All the information presented on Baby Begin's website and with team members is done in good faith and general information purposes
onlv. It is meant to provide general developmentally appropriate advice and strategies that are typically well tolerated. This information is not a substitute for medical advice and is not meant to replace a visit with
your child's pediatrician or referral to a therapist. Any action you take upon this information is at your own risk. Baby Begin is not liable for any outcomes or damages in connection with the implementation of
information received. By purchasing this course, you hereby consent to this disclaimer and agree to it's terms.